Looking in from outside the Detention Centre
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Other Images in this Gallery
- Armed Police Officer in London
- British Terror Threat Levels
- The lack of forward thinking on tackling the refugee problem is shameful
- A sickening picture that surely should make governments in the west to start tackling this crisis proactively
- Overcrowned boats full of refugees
- War Zone Tours
- ISIS Beheadings
- Western volunteers in Syria
- Western volunteers
- Calais
- Calais Refugee Camp
- Aerial View of Refugee Camp
- Map of Syria
- Calais refugee camp crisis
- The Humming Bird Building Project
- Poor quality secondhand tents that many in the camp are still living in
- Camera Woman being attacked by vigilante anarchists from the UK
- Volunteer clearing life jackets from one of the beaches on Lesvos
- French Journalist filming the pile of life jackets collected by volunteers on Lesvos
- Safwat on the Greek/Macedonia Boarder
- Refugees sat at the Mytilini Port in Lesvos
- Mural of a woman wearing a Hijab at the Mytilini Port
- Humanitarian Support Agency Logo
- Pictures painted and drawn by the refugee children of Kara Tepe Refugee Camp in Lesvos
- I Love Syria
- At the time of this photo taken there are 10,000 refugees sleeping rough like this on the Greek/Macedonian border
- Me handing out biscuits to the refugee children of Kara Tepe Refugee Camp
- Handing out biscuits to the kids at the Tea Station
- Love Syria Painting by one of the Kara Tepe Refugee children
- Nicolle Hodges with the kids from Kara Tepe Refugee Camp, Lesvos
- An ISIS Execution
- Female refugee just reached Lesvos and being looked after by volunteers and life guards
- German Coast Guard with a wounded refugee – German Coast Guard have also joined the fleet of coast guard ships between Turkey and Lesvos
- No Border Kitchen
- No Borders Kitchen Volunteers entertaining the refugees
- No Border Kitchen
- No Border Kitchen Camp
- A refugee on the Greek/Macedonia Border
- A refugee sleeping on the Greek/Macedonia Border
- Pakistani Refugee protesting at Better Days for Moria Refugee Camp against deportation
- Pakistani refugees protesting in Lesvos against deportation
- Angelina Jolie – Special Envoy for UNHCR
- Angelina Jolie at the General Coordinators Meeting in Mytilini
- Refugees boarding the ferry to Athens from Lesvos
- Pakistani refugees detained by Greek Coast Guard with fake papers pretending to be Syrian
- Kawish, one of many Pakistani’s sold a false dream of safety and a better life by the smuggling network that spreads across from Pakistan to Turkey.
- Kawish under the entrance to Better Days for Moria Camp on Lesvos. Wishing for safe passage to Europe.
- Pakistani’s at Camp Moria protesting against deportation.
- 98 Pakistani refugee/migrants voluntarily walking into Moria Detention Centre unsure of their fate
- 10 Police Officers oversee the 98 refugees walk into the Detention Centre
- A handful of Pakistani refugee/migrants who at last minute feared going into the Moria Detention Centre talking through the fence to their friends that went inside.
- 500 refugees, forgotten about between Macedonia and Serbia
- Sanitation has totally gone out the window, there is no official camp here, just a farmers field of sludge and mud
- Floods just outside one of the tents
- Refugees left no option but to sleep in the parks of Belgrade, Serbia with little or no shelter
- The No Borders Hostel were a lucky few refugees are able to take shelter in Belgrade.
- As you can see, most of the refugees in the park don’t have shelter, so if it rains during the night, they just get wet.
- Borders separating family
- Photo provided by Paul Carr
- Myself and another volunteer caring for two little babies before we found their mothers after a boat load of refugees arrived in Lesvos from Turkey
- Looking in from outside the Detention Centre
- Refugee Aid Serbia volunteers handing out food to the refugees
- A tent that once belonged to a refugee, confiscated, destroyed and binned by the Serbian Police
- Tabanovce refugee Transit Camp
- Left to Right: Jihad, Rama & Safwat inside Tabanovce Refugee Transit Camp, Macedonia
- Safwat & Rama on the train track outside Tabanovce refugee Transit Camp
- Refugees walking towards Idomeni
- 500m from Idomeni, refugees walking along the rail tracks to what is now a tented city #MyRefugeeJourney
- Finally arrived at Idomeni