A Syrian refugee child cries at the Al Zaatri refugee camp in the Jordanian city of Mafraq, near the border with Syria
The lack of forward thinking on tackling the refugee problem is shameful
A Syrian refugee child cries at the Al Zaatri refugee camp in the Jordanian city of Mafraq, near the border with Syria, August 3, 2012. The Al Zaatri camp is one of many set up along the 86km (53 mile) border between Jordan and Syria under the management of the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) and with the help of local charity groups. Refugees were suffering from heat and difficult living conditions as even more people fleeing the fighting continued to pour into the camp on Friday. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN – Tags: SOCIETY POLITICS CONFLICT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) ORG XMIT: AMM52
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- The lack of forward thinking on tackling the refugee problem is shameful
- A sickening picture that surely should make governments in the west to start tackling this crisis proactively
- Overcrowned boats full of refugees
- War Zone Tours
- ISIS Beheadings
- Western volunteers in Syria
- Western volunteers
- Calais
- Calais Refugee Camp
- Aerial View of Refugee Camp
- Map of Syria
- Calais refugee camp crisis
- The Humming Bird Building Project
- Poor quality secondhand tents that many in the camp are still living in
- Camera Woman being attacked by vigilante anarchists from the UK
- Volunteer clearing life jackets from one of the beaches on Lesvos
- French Journalist filming the pile of life jackets collected by volunteers on Lesvos
- Safwat on the Greek/Macedonia Boarder
- Refugees sat at the Mytilini Port in Lesvos
- Mural of a woman wearing a Hijab at the Mytilini Port
- Humanitarian Support Agency Logo
- Pictures painted and drawn by the refugee children of Kara Tepe Refugee Camp in Lesvos
- I Love Syria
- At the time of this photo taken there are 10,000 refugees sleeping rough like this on the Greek/Macedonian border
- Me handing out biscuits to the refugee children of Kara Tepe Refugee Camp
- Handing out biscuits to the kids at the Tea Station
- Love Syria Painting by one of the Kara Tepe Refugee children
- Nicolle Hodges with the kids from Kara Tepe Refugee Camp, Lesvos
- An ISIS Execution
- Female refugee just reached Lesvos and being looked after by volunteers and life guards
- German Coast Guard with a wounded refugee – German Coast Guard have also joined the fleet of coast guard ships between Turkey and Lesvos
- No Border Kitchen
- No Borders Kitchen Volunteers entertaining the refugees
- No Border Kitchen
- No Border Kitchen Camp
- A refugee on the Greek/Macedonia Border
- A refugee sleeping on the Greek/Macedonia Border
- Pakistani Refugee protesting at Better Days for Moria Refugee Camp against deportation
- Pakistani refugees protesting in Lesvos against deportation
- Angelina Jolie – Special Envoy for UNHCR
- Angelina Jolie at the General Coordinators Meeting in Mytilini
- Refugees boarding the ferry to Athens from Lesvos
- Pakistani refugees detained by Greek Coast Guard with fake papers pretending to be Syrian
- Kawish, one of many Pakistani’s sold a false dream of safety and a better life by the smuggling network that spreads across from Pakistan to Turkey.
- Kawish under the entrance to Better Days for Moria Camp on Lesvos. Wishing for safe passage to Europe.
- Pakistani’s at Camp Moria protesting against deportation.
- 98 Pakistani refugee/migrants voluntarily walking into Moria Detention Centre unsure of their fate
- 10 Police Officers oversee the 98 refugees walk into the Detention Centre
- A handful of Pakistani refugee/migrants who at last minute feared going into the Moria Detention Centre talking through the fence to their friends that went inside.
- 500 refugees, forgotten about between Macedonia and Serbia
- Sanitation has totally gone out the window, there is no official camp here, just a farmers field of sludge and mud
- Floods just outside one of the tents
- Refugees left no option but to sleep in the parks of Belgrade, Serbia with little or no shelter
- The No Borders Hostel were a lucky few refugees are able to take shelter in Belgrade.
- As you can see, most of the refugees in the park don’t have shelter, so if it rains during the night, they just get wet.
- Borders separating family
- Photo provided by Paul Carr
- Myself and another volunteer caring for two little babies before we found their mothers after a boat load of refugees arrived in Lesvos from Turkey
- Looking in from outside the Detention Centre
- Refugee Aid Serbia volunteers handing out food to the refugees
- A tent that once belonged to a refugee, confiscated, destroyed and binned by the Serbian Police
- Tabanovce refugee Transit Camp
- Left to Right: Jihad, Rama & Safwat inside Tabanovce Refugee Transit Camp, Macedonia
- Safwat & Rama on the train track outside Tabanovce refugee Transit Camp
- Refugees walking towards Idomeni
- 500m from Idomeni, refugees walking along the rail tracks to what is now a tented city #MyRefugeeJourney
- Finally arrived at Idomeni