Morning vs Night – When Should You Workout?

| 16/07/2016 | 0 Comments More
Morning vs Night Workout

Morning vs Night Workout


In general, training in the morning is a real energy booster.  A morning training routine does not only give you an energy boost, it will also free up your evenings allowing you to enjoy activities that are less demanding and more relaxing.

The body might still feel sleepy early in the day, but it is actually rejuvenated from a good nights sleep, and ready to take some physical workout abuse.

Morning Workout

Morning Workout

In the morning, muscles are relaxed and more responsive to the effects of weights and cardiovascular training.  That means that for those who practice weight training, the muscles will be more responsive to growth and toning because they are well rested.  You will be able to lift more weight, more often.

Training in the morning will also be very efficient for those wanting to lose body fat, during the morning the body does not have a lot of energy (food) as a result from the long period of sleep.

Therefore, once all sugars from breakfast are burned the muscles will immediately start burning fat cells for energy, resulting in higher fat burning rates.

One fallback of training in the morning is that it will cut in on your sleep time, but chances are that if you train in the morning, it is a question of getting used to it.  Remember to eat well after your workout, even if its 6am and you’re not hungry, eat the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and allow your body to recuperate during the day.

Workout at Night

Workout at Night


Most of us enjoy training at night, after a hard days work.  First, it is a question of habit.  Most of us train after work to socialise and be part of a group.  Second, most people simply do not have the energy or willpower to train in the morning.

The gym is usually busier at night, which makes it more appealing to those who want to be seen working out and for those who lack motivation.  Having a lot of people around when you train is obviously more appealing than being alone.

Training at night is also efficient because most of the days fat and energy can be burned during the workout.  This will allow you to sleep without excess baggage, which turns to fat during the night.

Usually after a workout, you will feel like eating something light and healthy like chicken or tuna.  Such a snack is another advantage to going to sleep with a low fat reserve in your body.

These are the two main fallbacks to training in the evening.  First, people who have a hard time falling asleep might find it even more difficult after an exhausting workout.  This is because a workout pumps up adrenaline level in your body, therefore increasing your blood flow and therefore making it hard to fall asleep.

Second, if someone lacks personal discipline, they might skip their training period too often and postpone their workout for another day.

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Category: Fitness Advice

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