Tag: Sodium

Shake The LoSalt

The average person in the UK consumes more than 8.6g of Salt, a staggering 2.6g over the RDA,  18.2g per week over the weekly RDA (over 10days worth of salt in just one week). There is overwealming evidence linking a high salt diet to raised blood pressure, increased rick of stroke, stomach cancer and aggravating […]

29/05/2012 | 0 Comments More

Take The LO-SALT Challenge

You’ve read about it in the press, heard about it in the media about how much sodium is in salt and how harmful it can be for usif eaten in excess, but how do you know if you are consuming too much? Heres how you can find out… The following chart shows a number of […]

14/05/2012 | 0 Comments More