Category: Nutrition (weightloss)

“If I were an Anorexic, I would be in an eating disorder clinic”

Does this sound like someone you know? Or seen on the TV or the media? 5ft 8inch weighs 31stone and wears a size 40.  Well more and more this is becoming visible on our streets as obesity is becoming more and more of a problem leaving us the fattest nation in Europe. At 42 she […]

09/02/2012 | 5 Comments More

DIEt Books to Die For…

We have live in a world of wanting to look like the models and celebs we see every day that we will go to any lengths to get the look, but what do you really know about the consequences of such mad methods of dieting that you can pick off the shelf in your local […]

08/02/2012 | 1 Comment More

Why Diets Dont Work…

The most popular way to lose weight is to DIET…  People assume that if they lower their calorie intake then they will lose weight.  However, over 96% of dieters regain the weight they lost and often gain more weight than they were before the diet when they come off the diet and eat a normal […]

08/02/2012 | 1 Comment More

Why Adults Gain Weight

Why do adults gain weight???  Why when we hit middle-age, do we get what we call that middle-age spread? Why do we just keep getting fatter as we get older? To be honest in all my time of training people over the year, Ive found most of my clients dont actually eat too much food […]

08/02/2012 | 1 Comment More

Nutrition for Weightloss

This section will soon be full of information to help you loose weight without dieting and give you articles on why dieting really doesnt work. Happy Weight loss people

08/02/2012 | 1 Comment More