My New Hearing | Part 1

| 06/11/2012 | 0 Comments More

BANG!!! It was 1998, an IRA car bomb goes off and I’m left with loss of hearing, my eardrums perforated, my inner ear canal damaged, and told I have profound loss of hearing.

I would say I’m a very confident person, always out in the public presenting, giving talks, speeches, teaching and instructing. But when a few years ago I decided to get some hearing aids to help my hearing from the NHS, I felt like a nerd, I felt self conscious, my confidence when wearing them was lost. Big lumbs of plastic sat on my ears; I felt everyone was looking at me, laughing at me, making comments at me and about me.

So what does a normal person feel like? How does a very unconfident person feel like? So I gave up wearing them. Then recently Hidden Hearing offered me a sponsorship deal, of which part of this was to get in the ear hearing aids that even with my short back and sides army styled hair cut, the hearing aids are hidden.

What can I say they have in the very short time I’ve been wearing them have changed my life and I feel totally confident, no one even knows I’m wearing them and no one can see them. Hidden Hearing have given me the confidence to wear hearing aids and given back my hearing.

So hear is my first blog about each step of the way and my life with new found hearing…

Three weeks ago I had Hidden Hearing come down to see me to give me a full hearing test and size me up for my hearing aids. The tests were so comprehensive; I never had half of the tests done on the NHS when they were testing me and I was given information about my type of hearing loss and reasons for it that I had never been given before.

Using a gel like material, moulds were taken of my inner ear to get the perfect fitting for my new hearing aids, this was quite a strange feeling but not uncomfortable and I was talked through each stage before it happened anyway.

Then a week later my new hearing aids were brought back for my first fitting and Ken Gilliard from the head office also came down to oversee it and chat to me about how we could really get the message out to people about how hidden hearing can really change people’s lives.

The hearing level was initially set to the lowest setting so I could get used to the new sound levels and I was told I would get another visit a week later to adjust the level of hearing to a higher setting and again if needed they would come and adjust to a comfortable level, higher or lower to suite me.

The service was awesome! I know they are now sponsoring me, but the knowledge and customer care I received was no different to a normal customer, they really look out for each patient.

Ive been wearing my new hidden hearing aids now for 2weeks and for the first time in years, I can hear the wind through the trees, traffic, separate different sounds, and voices from background noise, my hearing is perfect again, maybe better than perfect!

The TV at home, I used to have on sound level 80 out of 100, before the sound adjustment that was made to my hearing aids after the first week, I was listening to the TV on sound level 46 and now Ive even got the TV down to 28.

Hidden Hearing has really changed my life in such a short period of time and they can change yours too, so check out their website and give them a call and hear again.

Hidden Hearing |

Blog by: Mike Buss



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